Rose, caramel et chocolat
Je ne suis toujours pas au bout des articles consacrés aux mini-patchs que j'avais exposé à la JA de mon club de patch en mars. En voici un autre...
I stlil have doll-quilts to show : they were in the exhibition organized by my quilting club in march. Here's another one...
J'avais admiré l'original, un ancien, chez Ann Hermes, collectionneuse américaine qui publie régulièrement des modèles chez Quiltmania. J'ai eu le coup de foudre et je l'ai reproduit tout de suite dans des couleurs approchantes (assemblage et quilting machine, tissus Marcus brothers et Moda).
I admired the antique original on Ann Hermes' blog. She has a great collection of antiques and has her designs published by Quiltmania. I fell in love with this one and immediately reproduced it in approaching colors (fabrics by Marcus brothers and Moda - machine-piecing and quilting). Unfortunalety, I can't leave comments nor find Ann's mail on her blog, so, if she happens stopping by, I would like to thank her for the wonderful quilts she shows on her blog and inspiration she gives to her readers !
Derrière, je lui ai fait un système d'accroche aussi rapide que pratique, vu chez Patchwork Pottery (super tuto !).
On the back, a very handy way of hanging, as seen on Patchwork Pottery's blog (great tutorial, indeed !).
Et le voici accroché...
Here it is, in my bedroom...
Bientôt, je vous montrerai le joli sampler qui est devenu son voisin. Et, euh, quand j'aurai enfin pris des photos, je vous montrerai mes SALloween super en retard...
Soon, I'll show you the sampler that has become its neighboor on the wall. And, when I have, at least, taken photos of my SALloween projects, may be, you can see them too ;-))